2020 - 2021 All-State Team Qualifications


The goals set by the Department of Washington are simple; recruit, retain and mentor those who are members, and those eligible for membership.  This year earning the "white hat” will be a coveted accomplishment!




Awardees will receive an official VFW All-State Team white cap or a $50.00 gift card, and the Post will receive an "All-State" streamer along with $300.00. 


Post Qualifications

  • Audit Reports – All Trustee "Reports of Audit" must be completed, accurate and submitted to Department.
  • Bond – Post Quartermaster must be bonded with the department or submit proof of local bond (QM bonds expire Aug 31 of each year) 
  • Election Report – Post "Election Report of Officers" for the 2020 - 2021 year must be received at Department and National Headquarters by July 1, 2020.
  • School of Instruction – Post Leadership (Commander, Sr. Vice or Jr. Vice) must attend their District or Department School of Instruction.
  • District Meetings – Post Leadership (Commander, Sr. Vice or Jr. Vice) must attend ALL of their District Meetings.
  • Delegate Dues – Must be paid, for the 2020 - 2021 State Convention, no later than June, 1, 2021.
  • Arrearages – Post shall have no arrearages with National, Department or District as of June 1, 2021.
  • N/R %  – Post must meet a minimum N/R % of at least 5% by Dec 31, 2020.*
  • Retention – Post must have a total of at least 50% when N/R % and Retention % is added together by Dec 31, 2020.*


District Qualifications 

  • Audit Reports – All Trustee "Reports of Audit" must be complete, accurate and submitted to Department and must be current as of June 1, 2021.
  • Bond – District Quartermaster must be bonded with the department or submit proof of local bond.
  • Election Report – District "Election Report of Officers" for the 2020 - 2021 year must be received at Department and National Headquarters by July 1, 2020.
  • Inspections – All Posts within the District must be inspected with Inspection Reports completed and sent to Department.
  • District School of Instruction – District must conduct a School of Instruction no later than December 31, 2020.
  • Department School of Instruction – District Commander, Sr. Vice, or Jr. Vice must "attend" the Department School of Instruction (details to be discussed later).
  • District Meetings – Report of District Meetings must be submitted to Department no later than 45-days after the meeting date.
  • Delegate Dues – Must be paid, for the 2020 - 2021 State Convention, no later than June, 1, 2021.
  • Arrearages – All Posts in the District, must be bonded, inspected, with election reports submitted, and have submitted at least 2 community service reports, 2 hospital reports and purchased poppies.
  • N/R %  – District must meet a minimum N/R % of at least 5% by Dec 31, 2020.*
  • Retention – District must have a total of at least 50% when N/R % and Retention % is added together by Dec 31, 2020.*

When the above qualifications have been met the Commander and Quartermaster are eligible for entry into the All-State Team of Commanders and Quartermasters contest based on the following point schedule. Those who meet the membership requirement along with the "points" requirement will become All-State Commanders and Quartermasters.

All-State Recruiting Goals

Division Membership Size Minimum Members
 1  951 +  100% + 10
 2  750 - 950  100% + 9
 3  356 - 749  100% + 7
 4  246 - 355  100% + 5
 5  185 - 245  100% + 4
 6  143 - 184  100% + 3
 7  112 - 142  100% + 2
 8  88 - 111  100% + 2
 9  68 - 87  100% + 1
 10  51 - 67  100% + 1
 11  10 - 50  100% + 1



Point Schedule

(150 Points Required)
  1. Achieve Recruiting Goals for stated Division as listed above - 20 points
  2. Donate $100 to Veterans & Military Support (must go through - 10 Points
  3. Donate $100 to Heroes in the Ballpark - 10 Points
  4. Donate $100 to Homeless Veterans Fund at Department - 10 Points
  5. Enter an individual for Voice of Democracy - 10 Points
  6. Enter an individual for Patriots Pen - 10 Points
  7. Enter an individual for Youth Essay - 10 Points
  8. Enter an individual for Law Enforcement Officer of the Year - 10 Points
  9. Enter an individual for Fire Fighter of the Year - 10 Points
  10. Enter an individual for EMT of the Year - 10 Points
  11. Adopt a Unit or conduct an event for your adopted unit (submit report) - 10 Points
  12. Present a student with JROTC/ROTC Certificate and Medal (submit report) - 10 Points
  13. Enter an individual for Scout of the Year - 10 Points
  14. Participate in a Stand Down Program (submit report) - 10 Points
  15. Conduct Community Service event (submit report) - 10 Points
  16. Visit/assist a Student Veteran Club at a local college (submit report) - 10 Points
  17. Participate in a State Membership/ Community Recruiting event (submit report) - 10 Points
  18. Participate/conduct an event at a WDVA or VA hospital (submit report) - 10 Points
  19. Submit at least 7 Community Service Reports and 5 Hospital Reports by June 1, 2021 - 30 Points
*What is N/R % and Retention %?