Each month a community service report is due by the end of the following month. (Example: January is due in February) Those that turn in a report ON TIME EACH MONTH will be recognized by Department. Not those who wait and turn them all in at once – it must be each month. Outstanding Community Service Award – Post only Each membership year, National requests that each Department chooses a Post who has proven outstanding performance in their community service. The following is the criteria for this award: Post must have reported every month by the end of the following month All areas of the Community Service report must be participated in by activity or donations: Community Service Citizenship Education Aid to Others Special Olympics Veteran & Military Support (VMS) National Home Essays, Teacher of the Year, Patriotic Art Youth Activities (athletics, scouts, contests, education, recognition, other) Safety Programs (Pedestrian, Drugs & Alcohol, Recreation, Highway, Fire, Other) The Award consists of: A $599 stipend to cover part of the Post Representative’s expenses to National Convention (if they do not attend National Convention, it will have to be paid back to National). Publication of Post’s name in Convention program booklet A street sign identifying this National award for the Post to put up in their neighborhoodCOMMUNITY SERVICE